21 January 2015
Dear valued customer,
We want to take this opportunity to welcome you back after the holiday. We trust that you had a good festive season with your family and friends and truly hope that you have a blessed 2015.
During the course of 2014 we implemented quite a number of customer service focused initiatives and we are dedicated to carry that momentum over into this year to ensure that we stay at the forefront of service delivery in our specialised industry. These initiatives are, but not limited to:
• Strategic departmental growth to satisfy your individual needs and wants
• Various bulletins ranging from general updates to technical information and case studies
• Software in the form of a Client Relationship Management (CRM) system to foster long term client relations and loyalty
• Annual survey to ensure we constantly identify areas of improvement and implement the applicable corrective measures
Please feel free to contact your Sales Consultant for any assistance required on recommendations, RFQ’s, tenders, projects and general enquiries. You are also more than welcome to contact our Customer Services Department for any service related matters and your request will be handled as a matter of urgency.
Should you wish to add any of your colleagues or friends to our distribution list then you can forward their details to me and the necessary will be done to ensure that they receive our bulletins going forward.
Thank you for the support in 2014 and we look forward to being of assistance in 2015 and beyond.
Kind regards,

Shaun Snyman
Client Realtionship Manager
Novus Sealing SA